The real Felix.

Behind the dark sunglasses, chic dark clothes and silver hair - behind the international photographer - Felix Holzer is an incredible human being. Exceptionally smart. Extremely well-read. A minimalist. His friends know him as honest, profound and kind. And, surprising to many, he has a unique sense of humor.

Felix The Photographer

Photography is Felix's life - for Felix it is an intrinsic need to express his inexhaustible creativity. At 16, he sees a television report about photography and decides to become a photographer. With his photography portfolio in hand, Felix applies to study at the Lette Foundation in Berlin and is immediately accepted. Back in Munich, Felix - at the age of 26 - opened his photography studio and received after only one year his first award from Graphis Photography in New York. In the following years Felix is awarded with more than 50 international awards.

When taking photographs feels like playing, you're unmatchable.

-Felix Holzer

Felix The Editions Lover.

Felix's passion for photography is reflected in his unparalleled thirst for learning, discovery, invention, knowledge and awareness. The visual works of Felix are shown in exhibitions nationally and internationally, including Berlin, Leipzig, Munich, Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Duesseldorf, Hamburg and Seoul. A selection of the limited editions, curated by Felix Holzer, is available for purchase on the site.

Collecting is like eating peanuts, you can’t stop.

-Felix Holzer

Felix The Mentor

As a mentor, Felix loves to inspire young talents and share his knowledge and skills at universities in lectures or in the photography masterclass. He wants to be the mentor, he wished he had. His advice to young artists is: "Follow your heart and go where your energy is reciprocated, celebrated and appreciated."

Photography is inventing, growing, taking risks, breaking rules and having fun.

-Felix Holzer

Felix The Collaborator.

True to Felix's attitude of inventing innovative visual works and creating new perspectives, Felix has over the years developed a wide range of cutting-edge collaborations with high-profile brands, including BMW, Constantin Film, Glamour, Hermes, InStyle, Lego, Mastercard, MCM, P1 Club, Penguin Books, Playboy, Scotch, Siemens, Stabilo, Tempo, Warsteiner and ZDF. Felix loves to work with — and be inspired by — creative talents including artists, designers, celebrities, musicians and iconic brands.

In photography, the simple is always the most wonderful.

-Felix Holzer

“Felix Holzer - This is how a world-class photographer works.”

-Marius von der Forst, Fotopraxis