Title: Holiday - Felix Holzer
Edition of 3 + 1 AP, signed and numbered.
Date of image: 2005.
Photographic print, mounted on aluminium Dibond
1 piece, image size: 145 x 182 cm [57,09 x 71,65 Inches].
Excludes taxes and additional fees.
Title: Holiday - Felix Holzer
Edition of 3 + 1 AP, signed and numbered.
Date of image: 2005.
Photographic print, mounted on aluminium Dibond
1 piece, image size: 145 x 182 cm [57,09 x 71,65 Inches].
Excludes taxes and additional fees.
Title: Holiday - Felix Holzer
Edition of 3 + 1 AP, signed and numbered.
Date of image: 2005.
Photographic print, mounted on aluminium Dibond
1 piece, image size: 145 x 182 cm [57,09 x 71,65 Inches].
Excludes taxes and additional fees.