The stunning series of works 'Nostalgia' by Felix Holzer has received numerous international awards, including the Gold Award from Graphis Photography New York. The works of 'Nostalgia' have been presented in exhibitions in numerous locations, including Berlin, Stuttgart, Zingst, Munich and Hamburg.
The series of works 'Nostalgia', produced in 2006, is one of the most famous and best known works of Felix Holzer. In addition to numerous international publications including Selected Views, Graphis Journal New York, 200 Best Photographers Worldwide, BFF Magazine, One World - Horizonte Zingst, PP Magazine, the works of 'Nostalgia' have received numerous international awards, including the Gold Award from Graphis Photography New York. In photography group exhibitions, the works were presented in Berlin, Zingst, Munich, Stuttgart and Hamburg.
The term nostalgia describes a yearing for the past, often in idealized form. The word is a learned formation of Greek compounds, consisting of "returing home," a Homeric word, and "pain" or "ache." It was described as a medical condition, a form of melancholy, in the Early Modem period, and came to be an important topic in Romanticism. In common, less clinical usage, nostalgia sometimes includes a general interest in past eras and their personalities and events, especially the good old days of a few generations back recast in an idyllic light.
Sometimes it is brought on by a sudden image, or remembrance of something from one's childhood.
‘Isn't just being at home a most wonderful thing? For me, home is not necessarily a town or an address. Rather, it's where the people I love are, it's the little gestures that say this is home. Usually, the little beings of plastic, porcelain, Wood, and cellophane that participate in my photographs are simply thrown away by their owner once they have served their purpose.
This time, I pulled them back out of the dust bin, brushed them off, looked deeply into their little eyes and said, "Please …." Behold, they told me their innermost, secret stories about homesickness.’
-Felix Holzer