Behind the Scenes with Felix.
Can photography still deeply affect and surprise us? Can it cause us to seriously question our values? Felix Holzer's photography works show that this can be done. But how are the impressive photographs born?
Be free.
Felix’s photography is much more than an illustrative medium, it opens the door to a staged world. His clear and imaginative imagery, asks questions, makes satirical remarks, delights and surprises us with his fresh and unique view of the world. As varied as his motives are, they stand out clearly because of common artistic characteristics, like clearly structured compositions and magical atmospheric lighting. This interaction creates art forms that open new perspectives and allow us to enter heretofore unknown levels of observation.

Be bold.
Felix's conceptual photographs are metaphors, things become symbols, figures and anthropomorphized animals are set in fabulous tales. The protagonists are often seen at the turning point of a story whose beginning and end are not known. "I want to create works that surprise and touch. It's important to trigger something in the viewer that puts an internal process in motion. I am out to dream my dreams and live them as well. I want to send my viewers on the same journey.”

Be happy.
The images of Felix are often staged in elaborate sets. Depending on the concept, he often works with large teams, numerous specialists in the areas of set building, dummy construction and special effects. From these drawings I choose subjects that I want to implement photographically. Then, during staging and shooting, it often happens that I feel the magic moment and realize something is happening now. This is the moment I look for, the moment I know I've taken a photograph that touches."

"Felix Holzer - Minimalism in photograpy, the eye for the essential."
— Thomas Gerwers, PROFIFOTO